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Juvenile delinquencies paragraph for hsc,SSC and class 5,6,7,8

Juvenile delinquencies for HSC or class 11,12

Juvenile delinquencies are teenagers' offensive acts that do not apply to the norms and values of society. The acts engrave cracks mapping imminent breakdown of the norms and orders. To typify the crimes, they range from the very benign one like playing truant to the truly gruesome acts like murder. Contextually a question arises how the teenagers get subjected to them. To answer, it obviously demands to look for the reasons behind because, actually, the reasons are the gateways through which the delinquents intrude into the dark domain of offences. However, so far the reasons have been studied they are like troubled family life, lack of proper nourishment and guidance, abstract poverty, breakdown of family ties, rapid social mobilization etc. Of all the reasons, the last one is a paramount one whose undercurrent corrodes away the pillars of society equilibrium and thereby makes the society vulnerable to many social maladies like delinquencies.

Juvenile delinquencies paragraph

However, to sum up, driven by the above mentioned factors the teenagers get entangled in the mesh of crimes. Some also perform poorly in school and are unhappy in the school environment and so they drop out Exceptionally it is found that some are not subjected to the offences on account of social frustration, still they do the acts out of a need to attain status within their group. In this regard, a gang can reward what a juvenile cannot get from school or other institutions. These delinquencies, more or less, directly or indirectly affect themselves, their families as well as society. Of all the sufferers, they themselves suffer the worst because the crimes put their career on the crossroads of derailment that dearly cost them a lot. This irreparable loss overshadows family potentials as well as produce stigma that take a toll of family peace and reputation. The crimes and their byproducts jointly do not remain confined to the family boundary they, rather, spread their sharp claws over the total peace and prospects of society. As a matter of fact, humans are the best of all resources. Hence, the waste of this rare resource due to the crimes creates sad and heavy shocks at the very base of a nation. Apparently the shocks may seem nuclear but their waves are so heavy and powerful as to crackdown the very base of society. Consequently, the need of antidotes arises. It is obviously true that to put the crimes out and out on exile is impossible. But effective measures can be prescribed and accordingly the mad horse of the delinquencies can be at least bridled and then it can be chained down to the safe and limited parameters. So far the measures are concerned, along with the soft approaches from the part of the educational institutions some purifying steps must be taken. In this regard, the delinquents must be sanctioned probation on the justification of the mode of crimes. Probation is an arrangement whereby the offenders are given suspended sentence and in return they must live by a prescribed set of rules under the supervision of a probation officer. The officer has to attempt to combine authority as well as compassion so that the approaches fruitfully influence on the delinquents' health and heart. Besides, social institutions, the government and all other stakeholders have to contribute from their respective standpoints to the preventive approaches to cure the victims. Last of all, the delinquents should be offered psychological therapy in order to bring back their realization and to arouse their suppressed conscience.

Juvenile delinquencies for SSC or class 9,10

The word juvenile means young and delinquency means criminal offence. So, the literal meaning of juvenile delinquency is youth crime. Terminologically juvenile delinquency are the crimes which are committed by the persons below eighteen and which are unlawful according to the values of the society and the constitution of the country. Juveniles are the assets for a nation. But their crimes are nowadays creating tension among the adults. Juvenile crime was available throughout all the time. But recently it has reached at an alarming peak. There are many factors responsible for this youth crime. First of all, family is the institution that mainly moulds the character and career of a child. When the members of this institution specially parents are themselve careless, immoral, broken, busy, etc. the child growing up there must have possible risk to get involved in delinquencies. Secondly, socio-economic instability is often linked to persistent unemployment and low incomes among the young which can increase their livelihood of their involvement in criminal activities. Thirdly, a teenager is easily and strongly influenced by the company he keeps. So, the young boys and girls are very vulnerable to the criminal attitudes of their particular peers. Fourthly, it is seen that television and movies have popularised the cult of heroes. So by watching the violence on the screen the teenagers get involved in crimes to do Show off. Then migration from village to town, different frustrations, surrounding areas, poverty etc are also some responsible factors that increase juvenile delinquency. Due to juvenile delinquencies our personal and social life are being affected in many ways. First of all, we are not getting a productive generation. Rather we are having a generation who are murderers, drug addicts, makers of disorder and spoilers the future of a country. However, we shouldn't keep this grave problem untreated. We have to change the situation and divert the juvenile from delinquencies to productive work. For this we can send them to the correction centres, provide them with vocational training and establish a juvenile justice system. After all, families can play a vital role to nip this problem in the bud. Moreover religious education can contribute greatly to change the mind of the juvenile positively for good.

Juvenile delinquencies for jsc or class 7,8

Juvenile delinquency means an unlawful act committed by the adolescents
under 18 years of age.It has become a social crisis nowadays which makes the
society unrestful.Recently, incidents of frequent homicides committed by teenagers
have been reported across the country. There are many reasons for juvenile
delinquency. Firstly, teenagers mix with the bad company that influences them to
involve in juvenile delinquencies. Secondly, lack of proper guidance and parenting in
divorced families is often responsible for juvenile offending. Thirdly, criminal legacy
makes teenagers vulnerable to unlawful acts. It seriously affects children's mental
health. So, teenagers get involved in various forms of juvenile delinquencies like
robbery, simple assault, vandalism, rape, eve teasing and even homicide. Juvenile
delinquency has become a social crisis in our life. It is seriously affecting our
personal and social life. Children who involve in such unlawful activities suffer
detention. They cannot enjoy the rights other children can do. Parents suffer from
trying to return their children to normal life. Besides, it is a new challenge to the
government. Therefore, it is important to raise children the right way, teach them
moral lessons, allow them to mix only with good company, and make sure parents
have no criminal legacy. 

Juvenile delinquencies for PSC or class 5

 Presently juvenile delinquency has become a burning issue of the society. It is a persistent social crime committed by a minor child or teenager. There are various types of juvenile delinquencies. For instance, playing vandalizing, antisocial dealings, selling drugs, betting, raping etc. When teenagers do not get financial support, familial love etc., they get involved in criminal activities. As a result, a Juvenile delinquent goes through deadly mental traumas and physical issues and faces damage in personal life. In addition, their families spend huge money to pay to doctors and lawyers. When children are placed in juvenile detention centers, they experience physical and mental health issues. Juvenile delinquencies cause troubles to the
societies. So, to save the future generation from the curse of juvenile delinquencies parents should spend quality time with children by engaging them in recreational activities and proper counselling. As today's teenagers are the future leaders, we have to solve this issue unitedly. 

Juvenile delinquencies for class 6,7

Delinquency especially that carried out by a juvenile. It implies conduct that does not conform to the legal or moral standards of society. There are always some factors that contribute to juvenile crime, leading them to dangerous situation. Many delinquents are dropouts who leave school at an early age but have no job opportunities for them. The social, political and environmental factors that strongly influence in juvenile crimes. The most common types of juvenile crimes are killing people, harassing girls, attempting suicide, stealing etc. Physical disorders, poverty, social disorder, adverse climate, lack of proper counseling etc. are responsible for juvenile delinquency. Teenagers are involved in juvenile delinquency for many reasons. One of the major contributing factors to juvenile crimes is lack of education. Some crimes done by teenagers are so serious that can cause death to many and damage to our society, our lives. Excessive addiction to mobile and internet, degradation of social values, lack of family awareness, deterioration of relationship between children and parents play a major role behind juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency is a big problem that not only affects the victims but it also affects the juvenile delinquents themselves, their family and even the society as whole. So, juveniles should be monitored and guided while at home and also should be counseled while in school. This will in turn reduce the number of delinquency victims, the number of affected families. This will therefore lead a better society.



Online classes and traditional classes paragraph

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