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Writing a Speech for hsc

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

Accept my heartiest greetings!

You will be overwhelmed with delight that I am going to proclaim my candidature as a

mayor for the imminent municipal election. It is needless to say that I am Mahmudur

Rahman, a son of a heroic freedom fighter, is not unknown and unfamiliar to you. My

father was also a prominent philanthropist and social reformer. In fact, you all know

about my education, career, character, dedication and experience as a former councilor. In intend to work in a larger scale along with you for the establishment of a modern city after being elected as a mayor with your mandate.


You know that I was a renowned advocate and inherited a vast property with which l am

working for poverty eradication and still involved in doing various social works and

rehabilitation programs to ensure a peaceful, corruption free and hunger free society.

But it has been published in the media that the ex-Mayor was involved in so called

politics and a political party through which he had materialized his evil plan, corruption,

injustice, wrongdoings and above all he had a group of gangs by whom he established

anarchy in the society ignoring his responsibilities. It is said that he only worked for him and his favored people. He hardly contributed to the work of development in a real sense.

Respected city dwellers,

I have a plan to develop waste management, to set up a community hospital to ensure

the primary treatment for my people. In addition, I have a target to establish a good

number of night schools and community schools to educate street children. You already know I have been providing them foods to encourage being educated. But truly speaking. I really want to serve the inhabitants of my area implementing effective measures in improving the environment, education, health and sanitation, cleaning the roads, parks and drains and renovating sewerage system with a view to mitigating the sufferings of the people from water logging. Apart from these, to reduce environment pollution, I will take initiatives introducing volunteering programs, encouraging the students and youths to take part in and by raising public awareness. The most important things I will work for improving overall communication and transporting system. I will construct well planned roads and repair the roads and footpaths and culverts and create a better and safer working environment in mills and factories in my area by enforcing law and order. By taking these above-mentioned initiatives, I want to transform my city into a gleaming.

charming and a prosperous city with your support and assistance Some arguments in favour of my candidature: As I was a councilor, from my experience I will identify the problems and accept the challenges to turn my area into a modern city. I will modify the education system, renovate the transportation system and health care. It is my firm belief that if we work unitedly, we can make the city a modern and suitable one for better, safer and more comfortable living area. Hopefully. you will elect me as a mayor by giving your support and mended through ballots.

I am Mahmudur Rahman, a former councilor of yours appreciate your assistance and

votes for me to be elected as your new Mayor.

Thank you. 



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